Fifth Grade - Mrs. Novacek
Growth Mindset Science Activity - Note cards & dot stickers - Challenge to build a tower as tall as they can!
Dot & Toothpick STEM activity - Build as many structures as you can! Amazing team work!
The 5th graders had to create a raft that would float AND hold washers. They were given straws and dot stickers. Every group was successful!
September 16th-20th Announcements
Important DatesSeptember is here!
What we are studying this week:Math - We will be studying surface area & volume.
Reading - We will be reading the story "A Royal Mystery". Grammar - We will be studying 4 types of sentences. Spelling - We will be studying words with long a and e. Science - We will be studying energy transfer. Social Studies - We will be studying Native American groups. Tests this week:Friday 9/20 - ThinkCentral and Spelling Test
Announcements from the OfficeWe highly encourage you to use the [email protected]
email address to notify if your child will be absent. 5th Grade Schedule 2024-2025USEFUL LINKSThink Central site
Prodigy site
Synergy site
Spelling Words for